26.2 Miles on May 2nd 2010

tri_1I have accomplished what many believed to be an impossible feat. But let me assure you that this is not the first and it won’t be the last “impossible” feat that I accomplish! Some said, “you’re a woman…you can’t do that!” Others said, “Mandi…..you’re not an elite athlete….are you sure you want to put your body through this and are you sure your body can handle this?” And all too many times I heard, “How will you do this eating the way that you do?”  I replied, “You mean without giant white flour pasta dinners, fake food bars, Muscle Man shakes, and mass amounts of animal proteins and empty calories?” And then, once I started the training and it was assured that YES, I was taking on this endeavor, I began to hear, “if you don’t do it or feel like you can’t, you are not a failure and don’t beat yourself up…just do the best that you can.” Oh YES, I did the best that I can….better than the best that I can! I achieved and conquered and most definitely reconfirmed my belief and motto that we DO have the ability to accomplish anything and everything that we put our minds and bodies to! And to the skeptics and the non-believers, I say, “YES WE CAN, YES I DID, AND YES, YOU CAN TOO!!!”


But how did I do this? A woman who was overweight throughout childhood, anorexic for several years, suffered from numerous and severe health issues, endured a stress fracture in my hip that almost made me face a hip replacement, suffered from nutritional deficiencies and nerve damage in my legs to the point that I had difficulty walking, medicated and self medicated for at least half of my almost 33 years of existence, and now as a RAW VEGAN!!! (for about  5 years) Again I say, “We have the power to change those things in our lives that are far from great and make the greatest of things even greater!”  And as far as our bodies are concerned, OUR TEMPLES AS I LIKE TO CALL THEM, if we take care of them,  listen to them, clean them and build them back up, and nurture them, anything is reversible, everyone can heal, and ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

So, where do I begin on my journey to 26.2 miles in just about 4 hours (probably under due to my need to pea a few times at the beginning of the race….hydration has its priceJ) Next time, and there will be a next time, I think I’ll do what the elites do and just pea as I run…..time is of the essence!

There is a lot of information for just one entry…..so perhaps I will break things up a bit and share  a few entries concerning my journey and what potentially can be an aid for your journey or journeys ahead of you! Who knows….maybe you’ll be running with me in my next venture or maybe I can help you reach that AHA! Moment if “YES YOU CAN!” I certainly hope that this will be the case!

KEY POINTS For Eating Raw and Vegan as an athlete or aspiring athlete, marathon trainee, or even just a person who aspires to be physically fit and healthy! (And this goes for those non raw vegans out there too!)

  1. Calorie, Carbohydrate, and Protein Intake is Important, But Choosing the Right Options is Even More Important! When training, it is a wonder how we can replenish the 1000’s of calories that we burn in order to stay energized and nourished as a raw vegan. Here are some of my options that worked for me and I am most certain will work for you without following the athletic regime of pastas, sugary, fake sports drinks and muscle building protein shakes.

-Keep in mind that amino acids are the basis of protein….and a plant based diet is certainly full of amino acids, just not in the form of animal protein! When we blend greens and juice greens, we receive the most amazing benefits; energy, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and healthy daily detoxification.  So…..GREEN SMOOTHIES AND GREEN JUICES…..A MUST! Add in plant based protein powders and green powders for an additional boost! YES…I carry these…just ask if you’re interested!

-Sprouts of all kinds are one of the most amazing complete and nutritional foods on the planet! They are rich in enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, and phytochemicals.

-Coconut!!! Oil, Butter, Water……excellent for training and a staple in my regime! (And my Raweos of course-full of coconut cacao goodness!)

-Buckwheat and Sprouted Grains! An excellent sulfur food that detoxifies and energizes while giving the body a source of plant based carbohydrates!

I truly believe that the reason why people get sick during training or running a marathon is because of the mass amounts of pastas that they feel compelled to eat before long runs. Do you know how long it takes to break down these carbs….and better yet…how long it takes to break down animal proteins eaten with these carbs? It could take up to ½ a day to break down and digest, so therefore, this meal is still sitting in the belly of the runner that is bound to get cramping, vomiting, indigestion, heaviness and bloating, etc. It is No Wonder that there were people expelling bodily fluids and dropping out during the race while I continued along feeling strong after a meal of greens, coconut, seeds, nuts, and cacao the evening before 26.2!


-Water with Liquid Minerals-Polar Mins, which I carry from PRL, are essential to replenish not only fluid loss, but also the mineral loss from training. My drink concoction always consisted of water, liquid minerals, liquid B vitamins, CoQuinol, Green Tea, lemon juice, and Coconut Palm Sugar! I also drank coconut water to replenish electrolytes too!

-Seaweeds-Dulse especially replenishes salts and minerals, fulfills amino acids, trace minerals, IRON…..a must for women and vegans, vitamins, and the benefits go on and on…….(note on iron; it may be necessary  to supplement with a food based iron supplement due to low levels caused by exertion and menstruation)

-Soaked Seeds and Nuts/Nut Butters-Excellent source of calories, healthy fats, protein.

-Essential Fatty Acids- EFA Oil

– Careful attention to Adrenal Burnout is a must!  Supplementation with Magnesium, L-Glutamine, Vitamin C,  and an Adrenal Supplement like Adrenal Response, along with at least 5 straight hours of sleep a night and careful attention to rest, rest, rest and recovery is essential! (Thank you Nanized Liquid Melatonin too!)

-Strength training, stretching, pilates, and yoga-a combination of body work sustains and strengthens our temples! Upper body and lower body are equally important….those arms can pull you through when those legs get tired, and core strength power is essential to posture and power!


OK…..I’m running on and on…..and want to literally head out for a run now, so stay tuned for more! In the meantime, please feel free to contact me for additional info. And insight!


Blissfully Yours,



Why People Don’t Heal

It has been said and believed, “You are what you eat,” a statement that has become most apparent throughout the world over the last few years with obesity, increase in illnesses and death, and the ever growing epidemics such as cancer, diabetes, and AIDS. Society has and continues to respond to these culprits with fad diets and diet modifications, focus on physical fitness and health, and more proactive approaches to healing and wellness, both medically and holistically. I myself promote holistic healing and wellness in addition to following a raw food and organic lifestyle. I, like many other individuals, realize that I am what I eat, and I have transformed myself and my life through various diet and lifestyle modifications, healthy body and mind practices, and overall conscientious living. My road to recovery, renewal, and bliss never stops and always welcomes new discoveries and modifications.
Throughout my journey, I have not only realized that I am what I eat, but I have also learned that healing involves the mind, the body, and the spirit. I have and continue to write my biography while transforming my personal stories and experiences into my biology. What we as individuals must recognize is that we are unique and powerful human beings, capable of so very much. But in addition to our abilities, we are also very much influenced and affected by all that we encounter and endure throughout childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood. We must view ourselves holistically, meaning that it’s not only what we eat that makes us who we are, but also what we experience in life mentally, spiritually, internally, and externally that creates our stories; our biographies and biology. As Caroline Myss states, “What I recognized is that your biography becomes your biology–you are one and the same with your life and your history. Events that you have not yet reconciled, haven’t forgiven, haven’t let go of, are carried as that debt in your cell tissue.



Our biography depicts our biology, our physical and mental well- being, and our capacity to forgive and heal not only ourselves, but those around us. Why People Don’t Heal, by Caroline Myss, explains this most intriguing yet valid explanation of our biological and biographical existence and how we have the power within us to create and modify our biography, maintain a healthy biology, optimize our existence, and achieve ultimate physical and mental wellness. In addition to the biography/biology concept, Why People Don’t Heal uncovers fantastic truths, aids in identifying our past, present, and future, and reveals the beauty that lies beyond illness when we discover our capabilities to forgive and heal.
There are several pieces to the puzzle that depicts our biography and biology. In fact, your biography is a piece of your biology, or rather, that which your biology is derived from. As stated above, healing is a huge part of our biography and biology. Our past experiences are a major part of our lives, revealing who we are, where we have achieved and/or failed, what we have gained and lost, and ultimately shaping the person we are and that which we will become. They are our biography.  But how do we reveal what is causing our illness, what is preventing us from healing, and how do we ultimately heal?

Myss states that, “Healing is unattractive.” What does this mean? Would you not think that healing would on the contrary be very attractive? Think about a wound that heals. When it bleeds and infection occurs, it appears and feels very unattractive, but as it heals, the skin becomes “normal” again and attractiveness is reinstated, right? What about the scar though? How attractive are the scars that result from wounds? Let’s take it a step further. Let’s take your heart, your feelings, emotions, and total well-being. When we are victimized and hurt emotionally rather than physically, are we not wounded and therefore scarred?  Imagine all of the scars that lay upon our hearts, minds, and souls from mental and emotional battles and unpleasant past experiences. The difference between the internal and external wounds is that we cannot see our internal scars and therefore, we can hide behind them and hide them from others. In addition, our external scars heal on their own through our body’s amazing ability to grow new skin and rejuvenate, but what about our internal wounds? Our internal wounds rely solely upon us to uncover them and take the steps to heal our emotional pain, anguish, and resentment. If we allow these wounds to lie dormant and fester, never unleashing them and overcoming our “skeletons,” we become victims of our own reality and never heal. Not only do our hearts not heal, but these wounds wreak havoc on our biology; our physical well-being that is in turn stricken by lack of health.
As Myss states, “Victims do not heal,” and in order to heal, we must face the music and identify our wounds. This can be most difficult, painful, and YES, very unattractive. When we no longer hide from our own reality and we change our unhealthy, wound causing ways of life into much more healing ways of living, we are faced with some of our biggest challenges. Becoming committed to making necessary changes and taking responsibility for our whole selves are necessary first steps to healing. They can be scary, emotional, painful, and certainly ugly, but the outcome will result in a healed, attractive, and powerfully restored you.

Forgiveness is a major part of healing and it is, according to Myss, “the most powerful thing to do to your biology.” When we begin to heal our wounds and forgive, our biology changes. Therefore, we begin a new chapter in our biography. Forgiveness however can be very unattractive and unappealing as well. When we forgive, we must first look deep into ourselves.  We must then recognize what must change and begin to make those changes. This can certainly feel like the most terrifying and daunting task that we will ever be faced with.  Next we must forgive ourselves, our families, friends, peers, and society for any and all anguish that we or they have inflicted upon us. Louise Hay suggests in You Can Heal Your Life, “Whenever we are ill, we need to search our hearts to see who it is we need to forgive.” We need to identify our wounds, identify those people, things, and circumstances that have caused our wounds and begin to forgive. Not only do we have to forgive others, but we have to disassociate ourselves from wound creators, banish our victim mentality, and learn to forgive and love ourselves.

This brings me to the subject of what Myss calls “Woundology.” Woundology, according to Myss, is “the intimacy of bonding with our wounds and honoring each other’s wounds.” It is very much playing the part of the victim and enabling ourselves and others to become a victim subordinate to our wounds. My mother passed away almost 10 years ago and although I have overcome many obstacles because of this traumatic experience, I know that I have succumbed to my own woundology because of my loss. I have felt victimized and sorry for myself, and I have also allowed others to patronize me through the language of woundology. I know that my father and my sisters have also established their own language of woundology due to my mother’s death, and together, as a family separate and together, we have all given in to our loss and our wounds. “My mother died and that is why I am the way I am and do the things I do,” I have often said. “My wife died and this is why my life will never be the same, never be what I want it to be….,” says my father. Although we speak of many of our wounds to outsiders, we often do not say these feelings aloud. Rather we hold them in our hearts and minds, internalizing them and preventing ourselves from healing to the best of our ability. We have not fully faced our pain and loss, and therefore we are challenging our capacity to heal.

I have discovered many additional wounds within my own life and being. I have a deep devotion to my loved ones and have often felt responsible for the happiness of others and their approval of me and my actions. In 1996, I entered a very depressed, downward spiral which lead me into a severe state of depression and full blown, almost deadly, anorexia. My biography was becoming my biology and I was not only mentally ill, but I was on the verge of physical incapacitation and death. What I learned from this experience through self evaluation, awareness, and healing was that my anorexia and depression were a result of many years, from childhood to college, that I pushed myself to be the martyr of my family and the perfect child, so afraid to disappoint or fail. I always maintained such control that I finally broke down and my only means of control was through starving myself. I would tell my therapist, “I would never take a gun and kill myself,” but she would tell me, “Mandi, you are again fighting for your strength and not taking a coward’s approach to suicide, rather you are killing yourself the longest and most grueling way through starvation.” I was hopeless, but I took responsibility and brought my wounds to the surface to begin my path toward healing. It was unattractive, I got worse before I got better, but in the end, I truly did heal that aspect of my life.

In addition to my mother’s death, my anorexia, and my depression, I have often felt guilt for many decisions I have made and actions that I have taken throughout my life. I am most certain that my father, sisters, and friends have also experienced feelings of guilt for some of their choices and actions. This guilt, or wound, is lack of forgiveness, not only of ourselves, but our forgiveness of others and their forgiveness of us. Please let me share another experience of mine; forgiveness and healing of self guilt..

Every year my father and I attend High Holiday services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, a tradition that we did with my mom when she was still living and one that we carry on now that she has passed. Do we do this for religious reasons? Honestly, I do not believe so. I have never been a very religious person. Even during my years of childhood into adolescence, my family enjoyed sharing in the Jewish traditions passed down from their grandmothers and grandfathers to my grandmothers and grandfathers and so on, but I do not regard myself as being religious. Rather I consider myself to be spiritual and passionate about various beliefs, cultures, and religions. In fact, I have often felt more of an obligation to attend services as to not disappoint my mother, my father, and the tradition that has been bestowed upon me. Last year however, I distanced myself from my father in order to identify my wounds, unleash my skeletons, and work on healing and cleansing myself, I recall my dad reaching out to me several months after  we had distanced ourselves from each other. At the time of our separation from talking and seeing one another, I had extreme anger, resentment, and perhaps even an intimacy with my wounds from childhood up until the present time of not speaking with the most important man in my life, my father. I also felt guilt for my actions and even what I was beginning to realize was a necessary separation.

My father reached out to me via a telephone message a week before Rosh Hashana that year, suggesting that we try to start a New Year being that the Jewish New Year was approaching. I was touched that he called, but wanted to begin a healthy relationship again with my father not because it happened to be the Jewish New Year, but rather because he truly wanted to reacquaint himself with his daughter without any external triggers, obligations, or guilt. Little did he know that during our separation, I had embarked on a transformation towards healing myself, forgiving myself and my loved ones, and stepping away from my common language of woundology. I had only hoped that during this time he too began to re-evaluate and identify his own wounds. I chose not to respond immediately to my dad’s request. Rather, I wrote him my feelings in a letter which ultimately led to our reunion a few weeks later knowing that I felt strong and empowered by my newly discovered, healthy, and guilt free biography and biology.

Just the other day, one year later, my father and I welcomed in the Jewish New Year and the Day of Atonement and Remembrance, reacquainting ourselves with our family traditions and our memories of my wonderful mother. Again, I followed in the Babkes custom of attending services, but I did allow the guilt or pressure to attend all of the services hold me captive.  I again reflected upon, as I do every year at services but also most days of my existence, my life, (the positives and negatives), my wounds, new, old, and now non-existant, my relationships, my health, and my outlook on my future. I came across this excerpt from a piece expressing the meaning of sin and forgiveness on Yom Kippur. It depicts that “sin” in Hebrew really suggests, “a failure of honest self expression.” The idea that the past is the past and can’t be relived is mentioned on Yom Kippur, but it is also stated that we can make positive and healthy changes, begin to forgive, and focus our energies away from woundology and towards health and healing. How poignant is the excerpt below.

“When we take responsibility for our actions and for the direction that our lives have taken, (even when our decisions were colored by other people or external factors), we can begin to move forward. As long as we deny where we stand today, we will find that we are still there tomorrow.”


Through each day, we can become more accepting and forgiving of ourselves and our wounds. We can take the necessary steps to achieve and maintain a positive state of health and well-being. I often wonder what my life would be like had I not gone through all of my trials and tribulations. I ponder who I would be if I did not choose to reflect and forgive on so many occasions and how my relationships with others would also be. A victim of circumstances, many within my control and many out of my control, I have learned that we, as human being, have the power to overcome our wound suppression and frolic in the beauty of life and wellness. We are in control of our biology; our existence and state of health and well-being. We truly are the authors of our unique and brilliant biographies.

Top 10 Foods for Ultimate Health

As a raw foodist, I maintain a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts, greens and superfoods, juices, smoothies, fermented foods, and sprouts of all varieties. Being a raw foodist has become less of a diet and rather a complete revolution and way of life for me. I have gone through tremendous transformations and severe, BUT SPECTACULAR changes throughout my journey, and my passion is to share my experiences and knowledge with all who show an interest in feeling a true sense of physical and emotional well being

I revel in raw and living foods and believe that through diet and lifestyle changes, we have the power to change those things in our lives that are far from great and make the greatest of things even greater, hence, “All Good Things Are Wild and Free……,” and Raw! There are so many fantastic foods, and I am going to discuss 10 foods that I consider to be the healthiest.

Green Foods and drinks are essential in the diet, including cereal grasses and microalgae. From wheatgrass (my favorite!) to spirulina, green foods are packed with nutrients, vitamins and minerals, chlorophyll, enzymes, alkalinity, antioxidants, protein, antioxidants, nucleic acids, and fatty acids.  Green foods have cleansing qualities, (lymph, blood, cells) and restore proper balance throughout the body, as well as balancing pH. Cancer and disease can only survive in an acidic environment, and therefore introducing green foods into your diet will maintain a more alkaline environment and ward off cancers and diseases. Green foods also boost immunity, prevent disease, and reduce inflammation, and in my opinion, are essential  nutritional champions! (226)

Number 2 on my top 10 list is Sea Veggies and Seweeds. “There is practically no group of plants on the planet richer in nutrients, minerals, and trace minerals.” (235) So therefore, seaweeds are full of essential minerals, as well as vitamins, amino acids, calcium, iodine, and iron. Seaweed is an amazing food for cancer prevention, possessing polysaccharides that have anti-tumor/anti-cancer properties. Environmental hazards can be warded off by consuming seaweed as well. Seaweed detoxifies the body of pollution, toxins, and even radiation. Teeth and bones are also helped with seaweed due to high levels of fluorine, which also acts as an immunity booster. (236) And seaweeds are very easy to prepare! Soaked and rehydrated, you can add essential, healthy oils (sesame, olive) and seasonings and you have amazing nutrition and a delicious meal. My favorite seaweeds are arame, hijiki, and dulse, but truly all seaweeds are nutritious, mineral and vitamin packed, and delicious.

Number 3 is apples. “An apple a day keeps the Dr. away!” Apples are full of fiber,  antioxidants and a flavanoid called quercetin, which has been shown to prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells, colon cancer cells, and reduce the risk of lung cancer. (93) Apples have the second highest level of antioxidant activity of any other commonly consumed fruit in the US, as well as phenolic compounds, offering flavanoids with exceptional healing qualities. (93) Apples are also excellent for cardiovascular health, diabetes prevention, and bone health. Boron, found in apples, is very beneficial for osteoporosis and arthritis. (94) It is imperative to be choosy when buying apples however, as they are in the top 12 foods most contaminated with pesticides. Buy organic and always wash and scrub before eating. ( 95) I buy fruit and vegetable wash and clean all of my produce with this in order to be sure that I am avoiding pesticides and other threats at all costs.

Coconut is my number 4. I love coconut and all of it’s awesome attributes. The coconut is known as the “Tree of Life,” and you will soon see why. From the water to the milk to coconut oil, and the yummy meat too, this is a food that boasts good health and satisfaction all around. The water in Young Thai coconuts is a natural isotonic beverage, with the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood. Comparable to human plasma, it has and can been a donor replacement and has saved many lives in third world countries through the coconut IV. Coconut water contains lauric acid, giving it similar nutritional value to a human mother’s milk, as well as offering antiviral and antimicrobial properties. (108)

Full of natural sugars, vitamins, and essential amounts of sodium, coconut water replenishes lost fluids and energy from activity and/or dehydration. High in potassium and chloride, coconut water is a natural and delicious energy booster! Coconut is full of fiber, potassium, magnesium, and heart healthy fat. It has also been shown to prevent heart disease, colon cancer, digestive problems, obesity, and atherosclerosis. (pg107) Coconut has essential fatty acids and saturated fats which are easy to metabolize, aid in immunity, and play a key role in health. Capric acid is also found in coconuts, giving antibacterial effects and aiding in candida and bacterial infections.  MCT’s (medium chain triglycerides), also found in coconut oil, aids in weight loss, cystic fibroids, cachexia, AIDS, childhood epilepsy, and STDs.


Number 5, Fermented Foods, are absolutely amazing. Fermentation promotes health through the production of probiotics and good intestinal flora. (229) Lactobacillus, healthy bacteria, are essential for maintaining a healthy intestinal tract, proper digestion, and excellent immunity. Also good for heart health and inflammation, fermented foods should be a part of everyones diet. Kimchi, sauerkrauts, Kombucha, miso and nato from fermented soy, and the list goes on…., fermented foods have antioxidants, high levels of vitamins and minerals (C, B, calcium, potassium, and iron), amino acids, and dietary fiber. (230)


Sprouts are number 6. “Sprouts are one of the most complete and nutritional foods on the planet.” They are rich in enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, and phytochemicals. (238) Sprouts are loaded with phytonutrients, cancer-fighting compounds, protective chemicals (indole-3-carbinole), and sulphoraphane, an enzyme production increaser which fights free radicals and carcinogens. Saponins, found in alfalfa sprouts, offer antibiotic and antimicrobial properties, cancer prevention, and an immune boost. Careful consideration should be taken when consuming sprouts, as non-organic sprouts are often sanitized with chlorine to attempt to kill bacteria. Therefore, organic sprouts should only be consumed. Because sprouts may harbor some bacteria, those people who have an extremely compromised immune system may want to limit intake. (239) Overall, sprouts are a must as vitamins, minerals, and protein content increases immensely when a seed or nut is sprouted and sprouts are a sure nutrient rich dietary essential.


Almonds are number 7!  Almonds are one of the healthiest nuts eaten in their raw state and as butter and even almond milk. I will note that it is imperative to eat almonds and any nut in it’s raw state, preserving the enzymes and keeping the nut alive rather than roasted and “dead.” I use the analogy that if you were to place a raw almond in the ground next to a roasted one, eventually the raw almond would sprout and grow, where the roasted almond would decay and waste away suggesting that in it’s raw state, an almond maintains essential nutrients and “life” and is most nutritious. I also suggest soaking almonds for a few hours or even better, over night before consuming, as this germinates the nut and activates the enzymes (essentially bringing the nut to life). Almonds are packed with monounsaturated fat, a healthy fat that boasts cholesterol reduction and heart disease and cancer prevention. Packed with protein and dietary fiber, almonds are a great and satisfying food. In addition, almonds are an excellent source of vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, as well as an essential amino acid arginine which protects the heart and arteries. Almonds have also been shown to reduce body fat and promote weight loss when eaten in moderation. A great treat on salads, added to stir frys or other meals, and blended with water to make milk which can replace dairy milk for cereals and recipes, almonds are a smart, nutritious, and delicious immune boosting food. (147-148)


Berries of all kinds are my number 8 top foods! Blueberries are excellent for the brain and memory. An anti-aging food, blueberries are full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory characteristics, protecting against aging and aiding neurons communication in the brain. Diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, arthritis, and even diabetes can be prevented by adding blueberries to the diet, especially due to the polyphenols which help to maintain and build new neurons. ORAC, or oxygen radical absorbance capacity, is a rating system for antioxidant power in foods. (102) Blueberries have ranked highest, loaded with antioxidants and phytochemicals, and pterostilbene, which lower lipids and regulates fatty acid metabolism and fats in the bloodstream preventing arterial plaquing. Cancer you ask? Blueberries have amazing cancer fighting qualities too due to their ability to produce a particular flavanoid that inhibits a cancer promoting enzyme. (102) Raspberries are full of fiber, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin K for bones. (137) Full of anti-tumor Ellagic acid, raspberries have been shown to aid in cell death of cancer cells and protect and build new healthy cells. Memorial Sloan-Kettering has also done studies which have shown that Ellagic acid has amazing antiviral and antibacterial properties. (138) As with blueberries, raspberries also have anti-inflammatory qualities due to anthocyanins which inhibit cyclooxygenase compounds that signal pain, inflammation, and ultimately arthritis. Isn’t it a better choice to eat raspberries rather than taking pharmaceutical drugs that utilize man-made substances that mimic anthocyanins  but deliver unpleasant and even deadly side effects?!?

And strawberries! Cancer protecting along with other berries, strawberries and blackberries as well contain Ellagic acid also, reducing tumor growth and carcinogenic effects. Strawberries also are brain food and protect nerve cells, and anthocyanins are also abundant in strawberries delivering natural anti-inflammatory qualities. So Hooray for Berries! (Please note that like apples, strawberries are ranked high on pesticide contamination, so it is important to buy organic and wash thoroughly.) (139)


Kale, Kale, and more Kale-a star green for sure and my number 9 top food! Kale has an ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) of 1770, ranking #1 among all vegetables, fighting cell damaging free radicals with essential antioxidants and phytochemicals. (46) Kale is excellent for fighting cancer, loaded with cancer fighting indoles and sulforaphane. A great way to release sulforaphane is through blending kale, which triggers the liver to remove free radicals and other DNA damage causing chemicals. (46) This is where one of my favorite treats comes in to play, the Green Smoothie! Fruit, like berries, kale, and coconut water blended up is an awesome nutritional treat that should be added to everyone’s daily diet! And as if that’s not enough, kale is full of vitamins and minerals including calcium, iron, vitamins A, C, and K, beta-carotine, lutein and zeaxanthin, protein and fiber. This is precisely why I believe that greens are essential in the diet and also play a key role in protein replacement for vegetarians, vegans, and raw foodists like myself. Kale can be massaged with olive oil, lemon, and apple cider vinegar, which allows for un-cooking and maintaining essential enzymes and nutrients for a delicious and nutritious salad!


Number 10 on my list is water, the liquid of life essential for every metabolic process in the body. Our bodies are 83% water; muscles 75%, brain 74%, and bones 22%. (268) Water is the body’s flusher, removing toxins and waste and aiding in digestion and absorption of vitamins and nutrients. Although I retrieve water from my high intake of fruit and vegetables, water is still essential and hydration is the most important thing to focus on when it comes to wellness. Hydration promotes good circulation, healthy skin, proper metabolism, lubrication for joints and muscles, energy, and low risk for coronary heart disease. (269) Cells rely on water to function, so the more the merrier, especially if you are active and are prone to water loss and dehydration. It is crucial that we drink “good” water, meaning water that is purified and free of chemicals, pollutants, and environmental hazards. Water is more often than not contaminated, loaded with high levels of dangerous toxicity, so it is imperative to filter and purify water and steer clear of tap to maintain water safety.


Although there are so many more favorites in my list, these are my top 10! I could honestly go on forever listing foods and all of their amazing qualities. Please enjoy my above suggestions and as always, remember, “All Good Things Are Wild and Free,…..and RAW!”


Bowden, Johnny (2007). The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth. Massachussetts: Fair Winds Press.



What is this Raw Food all about?


Raw foodism entails eating food in a form as close to its natural state as possible, steering clear of cooking or heating foods so as to preserve nutrients and enzymes crucial to health and disease prevention. Cooking destroys these vital nutrients and proteins in foods and actually replaces them with harmful carcinogens, mutagens, and free-radicals (disease-causers). In addition, cooking and heating foods destroys food enzymes which are only maintained in foods when in the raw state. The life-sustaining partnership of food enzymes and metabolic enzymes (within the body) enables our bodies to fully and effectively metabolize what we intake, a process that converts food nutrients into energy.

When high temperatures destroy or “kill” food enzymes, our food no longer contains these elements essential for optimal metabolic processes. Therefore our internal organs become fatigued, as they now have two duties to perform rather than their sole responsibility for creating metabolic enzymes within the body. They must work harder to produce the missing food enzymes (which were not made available in the cooked foods) as well, and this creates incredible stress on the entire body including the lymphatic, metabolic, and immune system. In addition, enzymes are full of life and energy, but when the body lacks adequate enzymes, energy is jeopardized and the body becomes more susceptible to chronic disease and toxicity. This is precisely why it is imperative to incorporate more raw and living foods into the diet. Additional supplements and therapies may be necessary to ensure digestive health, detoxification, and wellness throughout the body.


Raw Foods help to maintain an on-going cleanse throughout the body, internally and externally. Raw and Living Foods not only produce a feeling of vitality and energy, but they also boost the immune system, aid in healing, exude clear and vibrant skin, hair, eyes, and nails, and deter chronic diseases and illnesses which have become all too familiar and prevalent in today’s society. With the many chronic diseases and conditions that haunt our society which include heart disease, cancer, immune disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, candida issues, female diseases and diorders, and hormonal imbalances, it’s time take a stance to prevent and restore and live healthy and lives with a holistic approach to wellness.

impossible feat

I have accomplished what many believed to be an impossible feat. But let me assure you that this is not the first and it won’t be the last “impossible” feat that I accomplish! Some said, “you’re a woman…you can’t do that!” Others said, “Mandi…..you’re not an elite athlete….are you sure you want to put your body through this and are you sure your body can handle this?” And all too many times I heard, “How will you do this eating the way that you do?”  I replied, “You mean without giant white flour pasta dinners, fake food bars, Muscle Man shakes, and mass amounts of animal proteins and empty calories?” And then, once I started the training and it was assured that YES, I was taking on this endeavor, I began to hear, “if you don’t do it or feel like you can’t, you are not a failure and don’t beat yourself up…just do the best that you can.” Oh YES, I did the best that I can….better than the best that I can! I achieved and conquered and most definitely reconfirmed my belief and motto that we DO have the ability to accomplish anything and everything that we put our minds and bodies to! And to the skeptics and the non-believers, I say, “YES WE CAN, YES I DID, AND YES, YOU CAN TOO!!!”


But how did I do this? A woman who was overweight throughout childhood, anorexic for several years, suffered from numerous and severe health issues, endured a stress fracture in my hip that almost made me face a hip replacement, suffered from nutritional deficiencies and nerve damage in my legs to the point that I had difficulty walking, medicated and self medicated for at least half of my almost 33 years of existence, and now as a RAW VEGAN!!! (for about  5 years) Again I say, “We have the power to change those things in our lives that are far from great and make the greatest of things even greater!”  And as far as our bodies are concerned, OUR TEMPLES AS I LIKE TO CALL THEM, if we take care of them,  listen to them, clean them and build them back up, and nurture them, anything is reversible, everyone can heal, and ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

So, where do I begin on my journey to 26.2 miles in just about 4 hours (probably under due to my need to pea a few times at the beginning of the race….hydration has its priceJ) Next time, and there will be a next time, I think I’ll do what the elites do and just pea as I run…..time is of the essence!

There is a lot of information for just one entry…..so perhaps I will break things up a bit and share  a few entries concerning my journey and what potentially can be an aid for your journey or journeys ahead of you! Who knows….maybe you’ll be running with me in my next venture or maybe I can help you reach that AHA! Moment if “YES YOU CAN!” I certainly hope that this will be the case!

KEY POINTS For Eating Raw and Vegan as an athlete or aspiring athlete, marathon trainee, or even just a person who aspires to be physically fit and healthy! (And this goes for those non raw vegans out there too!)

  1. Calorie, Carbohydrate, and Protein Intake is Important, But Choosing the Right Options is Even More Important! When training, it is a wonder how we can replenish the 1000’s of calories that we burn in order to stay energized and nourished as a raw vegan. Here are some of my options that worked for me and I am most certain will work for you without following the athletic regime of pastas, sugary, fake sports drinks and muscle building protein shakes.

-Keep in mind that amino acids are the basis of protein….and a plant based diet is certainly full of amino acids, just not in the form of animal protein! When we blend greens and juice greens, we receive the most amazing benefits; energy, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and healthy daily detoxification.  So…..GREEN SMOOTHIES AND GREEN JUICES…..A MUST! Add in plant based protein powders and green powders for an additional boost! YES…I carry these…just ask if you’re interested!

-Sprouts of all kinds are one of the most amazing complete and nutritional foods on the planet! They are rich in enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, and phytochemicals.

-Coconut!!! Oil, Butter, Water……excellent for training and a staple in my regime! (And my Raweos of course-full of coconut cacao goodness!)

-Buckwheat and Sprouted Grains! An excellent sulfur food that detoxifies and energizes while giving the body a source of plant based carbohydrates!

I truly believe that the reason why people get sick during training or running a marathon is because of the mass amounts of pastas that they feel compelled to eat before long runs. Do you know how long it takes to break down these carbs….and better yet…how long it takes to break down animal proteins eaten with these carbs? It could take up to ½ a day to break down and digest, so therefore, this meal is still sitting in the belly of the runner that is bound to get cramping, vomiting, indigestion, heaviness and bloating, etc. It is No Wonder that there were people expelling bodily fluids and dropping out during the race while I continued along feeling strong after a meal of greens, coconut, seeds, nuts, and cacao the evening before 26.2!


-Water with Liquid Minerals-Polar Mins, which I carry from PRL, are essential to replenish not only fluid loss, but also the mineral loss from training. My drink concoction always consisted of water, liquid minerals, liquid B vitamins, CoQuinol, Green Tea, lemon juice, and Coconut Palm Sugar! I also drank coconut water to replenish electrolytes too!

-Seaweeds-Dulse especially replenishes salts and minerals, fulfills amino acids, trace minerals, IRON…..a must for women and vegans, vitamins, and the benefits go on and on…….(note on iron; it may be necessary  to supplement with a food based iron supplement due to low levels caused by exertion and menstruation)

-Soaked Seeds and Nuts/Nut Butters-Excellent source of calories, healthy fats, protein.

-Essential Fatty Acids- EFA Oil

– Careful attention to Adrenal Burnout is a must!  Supplementation with Magnesium, L-Glutamine, Vitamin C,  and an Adrenal Supplement like Adrenal Response, along with at least 5 straight hours of sleep a night and careful attention to rest, rest, rest and recovery is essential! (Thank you Nanized Liquid Melatonin too!)

-Strength training, stretching, pilates, and yoga-a combination of body work sustains and strengthens our temples! Upper body and lower body are equally important….those arms can pull you through when those legs get tired, and core strength power is essential to posture and power!


OK…..I’m running on and on…..and want to literally head out for a run now, so stay tuned for more! In the meantime, please feel free to contact me for additional info. And insight!


Blissfully Yours,



Thank you Mandi!

Thank you Mandi!  You are the answer to my prayers.  You are a breath of fresh air in my life.  You’re energy rubs off on me and always gives me the lift that I need. To be honest, I could never put into words how I feel about what you have done for me and the miracle of you.

I have been to many holistic doctors in the past but none can compare to Mandi’s passion, dedication and knowledge.  Her mission is to help people get healthy by making herself available through appointments, emails, phone calls and texting 7 days a week.  Again, this is something I was not used to with other holistic doctors.

After years of chronic fatigue and feeling bad, Mandi was able to quickly identify my issues.  She has helped balance my hormones and get rid of parasites and infections that have haunted me for so many years  through nutritional support catered to my body’s specific needs, mud-packing, castor oil packs and addressing the emotional connection through ERT and affirmative work.

I can honestly say that I feel better today than I have felt in many, many years.

I continue to see Mandi periodically when an issue arises or to just stay on track.

I look forward to a bright, healthy future thanks to Mandi.


beforeThis week marks the one year anniversary of the day my husband collapsed. He lay on the floor, unable to move. After many tests and medications, the doctors recommended an implant to regulate his spinal fluid pressure. We had nothing to lose. My husband couldn’t standup or walk. Conversations with him were like talking to a child. His short tem memory was gone. He got the implant. His dizziness was worse, not better. His memory did not improve. He knew something was
n’t right but only got frustrated because words would not even come to mind.The modern medicalr system wanted to keep him in a nursing home and overmedicated. He was not getting better. He is only 63 years old. He didn’t want to be shut away in a home for the rest of his life.
afterI was very lucky the day a friend recommended Mandi Babke to me. I knew since traditional medicine had failed my husband, I needed to try a holistic approach. Though it is not covered by healthcare plans, it was worth every penny to get my husband back. Mandi was the right person for the job. My husband has all his functions back. He can walk without any assistance. His cognition skills are actually better than before the
incident. He can express himself without any problems. His confidence is back. Today, he is a software engineer and is back at work. Mandi is a miracle worker in my book.
Linda L.

I started consulting with Mandi in May 2013

I started consulting with Mandi in May 2013. My husband and I had just moved to Pittsburgh, and I was ready for a new start and some new health in my life. I had struggled with digestive issues all of my life, and more recently had bouts of vertigo with no identifiable cause.

These issues were affecting my daily life as well as my ability to participate in a wonderful yoga class. Thankfully, the insightful yoga instructor personally recommended Mandi as a fabulous holistic nutritionist. I had already worked with a holistic nutritionist in our home town, so I was expecting more of the same level of information and problem-solving. Wow, was I wrong!

Mandi, this dynamic, friendly woman, enthusiastically greeted me at the door, ready to get to work and confident that she could help me with all my physical complaints!

And she was right!

Through the process, Mandi uses your own body to read where your body needs support.  I now know that my body always knows exactly what it needs. I also trust Mandi’s remarkable intuition. She has an incredible gift of combining her vast amount of nutritional information with an innate sense of what will work best for a physical issue.

This information was invaluable, because no one had ever made these medical connections for me. In my case, it turns out I was blaming my stomach for all the problems, when in reality, it was my gallbladder and liver that needed detoxing and cleansing. The vertigo issues were partially caused by my lack of minerals. Natural help for my sinus congestion also helped the vertigo. I had been to specialists for both issues, and this was the first time I had any real relief.

That help alone was such a joy to me. What I also consider as crucial to my healing was the supportive emotional work as well. For example, Mandi pointed out that the gallbladder stores the fear you carry in your body. Just by recognizing that, and practicing very specific daily affirmations, I made some huge strides in my overall emotional and physical health.

So now if my gallbladder needs some support, I start taking the appropriate nutrients and  I also do a quick check to notice what is going on in my life that might be making me feel more anxious or angry.

This synergistic approach has been such a wonderful part of my life this past year. It is overwhelming proof to me that one has to address all levels to get to real health.

I needed frequent visits at the beginning of this process, and felt a little overwhelmed that there were so many needed nutrients. I really wanted to be free of my symptoms, and so I followed my regime faithfully. I recognized that I had accumulated a lot of distress in my body over almost 60 years of ‘unaware’ living. It wasn’t going to be corrected in a few weeks with a few doses.

Now I see Mandi approximately once a month for a ‘tune-up’, or if anything has flared up that needs attention. After so many months, Mandi knows how my body reacts to both the nutrients and the daily stressors. I really appreciate her willingness to help me over the phone as a stop-gap measure if something critical has come up. I just make an appointment as soon as possible, and we address the issue more fully then.

I am grateful for the gift of Mandi in my life. I feel very supported and strong, and am blessed to be able to keep learning and growing with her!

-D. Davies

-Angela Mauro

I found Mandi and began seeing her for general wellness and because I have had many complications with scar tissue from surgery and bowel issues. She is the only one that helped me out. I continue to use her services, she is invaluable in my health care. She really gives 100%, and is very knowledgeable.

-Angela Mauro

I love working with you

I love working with you, Mandi. Your expertise in the field of nutrition and your passion for helping us to solve our various health challenges are a winning combination. Thank you.

Sincerely, Donna Kohn

-Janet T

I’m a 57 yr. old woman who had been struggling with digestion issues, sleep issues and elimination issues.  Yes, I was a mess.  And then I met Mandi.  A friend of mine recommended her.  I was willing to try anything.  Well six months later, I sleep through the night, I am no longer constipated and bloated, and I can eat again.  Mandi taught me so much!  How a congested gallbladder can be the reason for sleep problems.  How bugs and poor flora can cause digestion issues.  How to get your whole power chain working the way it is SUPPOSED to work.  No more waking up at 2am, no more upset stomach every time I eat out.  Mandi’s program requires a commitment…both financially and to the individual program she designs for you.  But it is so worth it.  If you want your health back, no, if you want your life back go see Mandi!


-Janet T.