A message I received today from a Patient that truly brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for trusting me, believing in our healing and work together, believing in yourself and your new beginnings, and for ALL of your brilliance, courage, and light. ❤️

Today, as I came up for a little air after an incredibly full morning and afternoon, I received this text message from my beautiful Patient. This is a perfect gift that reminds me just how truly blessed I am for my journey, my work and labors of love, and my passions and gifts of healing. And a perfect gift that reminds me how truly lucky and grateful I am for the courageous, amazing, powerful, and beautiful souls that grace me with their energy, trust, and belief in me.

Every day, I AM blessed and lucky!


WOWWWW…….I just started period with no PMS, PMDD, or cramps! I didn’t even know it was coming. Weird. I can’t believe it! You were right!! As always! 🙏🏼💚🌟🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

Think I’m a few days early, but I don’t even care because I can’t believe no migraine, PMDD , no back flare up……WOWZA!

Even on pain management for so many years, I NEVER can remember not having migraines since my childhood! It has been years since I can remember not suffering to some extent throughout the month with my hormones and menstrual cycles. And NOW……I am forever and completely free of any Pharmaceutical pain management and opioids! WOWZA!

My journey working and healing with Mandi keeps getting better and better.