A message I received today from a Patient that truly brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for trusting me, believing in our healing and work together, believing in yourself and your new beginnings, and for ALL of your brilliance, courage, and light. ❤️

Today, as I came up for a little air after an incredibly full morning and afternoon, I received this text message from my beautiful Patient. This is a perfect gift that reminds me just how truly blessed I am for my journey, my work and labors of love, and my passions and gifts of healing. And a perfect gift that reminds me how truly lucky and grateful I am for the courageous, amazing, powerful, and beautiful souls that grace me with their energy, trust, and belief in me.

Every day, I AM blessed and lucky!


WOWWWW…….I just started period with no PMS, PMDD, or cramps! I didn’t even know it was coming. Weird. I can’t believe it! You were right!! As always! 🙏🏼💚🌟🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

Think I’m a few days early, but I don’t even care because I can’t believe no migraine, PMDD , no back flare up……WOWZA!

Even on pain management for so many years, I NEVER can remember not having migraines since my childhood! It has been years since I can remember not suffering to some extent throughout the month with my hormones and menstrual cycles. And NOW……I am forever and completely free of any Pharmaceutical pain management and opioids! WOWZA!

My journey working and healing with Mandi keeps getting better and better.



Thank you for this brilliant testimonial. I am Grateful and Lucky to help you!

Since I began working with Mandi, I’ve been amazed at the positive turn my health has taken. My energy level is much higher, and my blood pressure has been consistently 20-30 points lower. She even turned around an abscessed tooth in one day. Mandi possesses astounding knowledge and skills in kinesiology and various other healing modalities. Her intuitive and energetic gifts deliver remarkable healing for the whole body; physical, emotional, and nutritional. Her compassion, expertise, and advice are spot on. From now on, I’ll always take all of my health and wellness issues and concerns to Mandi first. Thank you Mandi!


We CAN heal! This testimonial IS why I am so blessed and grateful for my gifts of healing. Thank you Iris for putting your body, mind, soul, and trust in me to help you!

I have been struggling with eczema my whole life and tried a lot of different treatments. Every time it got really out of hand I had to resort back to steroid creams and pills, which I knew were bad for me, but seemed like the only way out – albeit temporary. After moving from Belgium to the US for my PhD it totally got out of hand. Eczema was covering my arms, legs, belly and even my face. Not only did I feel very embarrassed, I couldn’t get a good night sleep anymore because of the itchiness. I felt so tired and emotional all the time and just overall weak. I told my husband so many times during my crying sessions “I don’t know what’s going on, but something’s not right, I feel so weak and unhappy!”. I really wanted to dig deeper and find the root cause of my eczema, but when the doctor just prescribed a higher dose of steroid pills and didn’t do any further examination I felt so disappointed. After drastically changing my diet and working on natural ways to heal my eczema, I knew this was the way to go for me and I needed someone professional to guide me. I will forever be grateful that Mandi came on my path and that she showed me her amazing skills and knowledge to healing my body! She helped me balance and restore specific nutrients that my body needed and explained everything in detail so I could understand how it worked. She also helped me improve my emotional wellbeing so much! If it wasn’t for Mandi, I would have quit my PhD and moved back to Belgium. That’s for sure. Mandi is always radiating energy and love, which is very uplifting, and at the same time she has the incredible ability to really listen and feel intensely. Apart from some little rashes here and there that I’m still working on my skin looks absolutely amazing and soft and more importantly I feel like a new me. I never wake up tired anymore, I am happy and enthusiastic about finishing my PhD, and even my mom noticed over Skype that I seem like a totally new person. So the power of Mandi’s work is even noticeable in an inter-continental Skype call. I will forever benefit from everything I learned from Mandi as well as from having a trusted healer that I know I can always reach out to when I need it. Thank you Mandi!

-Iris R.

Thank you Mandi for sharing your awesome knowledge and gifts!

I have known Mandi for many years as her insurance agent. Now the table has turned and my daughter and myself have been working with Mandi for health and healing. I am amazed that I can see a change in my daughter after one visit with Mandi. One day and she has not taken a nap!! She is even singing!! She already seems to have more energy!! I cannot thank you enough! Thank you Mandi for sharing your awesome knowledge and gifts!

-Bernice B.


Thank you Bernice and Brittany for allowing me to help you and love you and share my passions and gifts with you! XO

Holy Heirlooms!!!!


I am so blessed and grateful for my green thumb, my loving garden angels, and Mother Nature! What to do with these beauties; tomato salad perhaps!


Chopped tomatoes, chopped peppers, cucumber sliced or chopped, a slathering of olive oil, a Tbsp. of coconut or balsamic vingear, a squeeze or 2 of lemon juice, cracked pepper and pink salt, AND chopped, fresh basil. Toss and chill and ENJOY!!! ?


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A Beautiful Journey Together! An Amazing Testimonial. Blessed and Grateful!

Thinking back to the beginning is crazy. And it’s exciting to reflect on all the progress I’ve made! Thank you Mandi for playing such an instrumental role!

When I first came to Mandi over 2 years ago, I was fully bought into my diagnosis of fibromyalgia, thinking that I needed prescription drugs to manage what would be a chronic, lifelong relationship with pain. I also suffered from years of self-worth and body image issues. Mandi helped me tap into the intuition and wisdom of my own body to get nutritionally balanced (afternoon energy slumps at work are a thing of the past), significantly reduce my pain (I’ve discarded the life-long pain sentence I’d been given by doctors), and wean off of all prescription drugs (which I’d been told were required in order for me to get deep sleep). Just as important was her help with working through longstanding emotional hang-ups to a place of self-love, self-worth, and self-confidence. In addition to feeling lighter in the world, this progress enabled me to get pregnant after a long time of trying, have a comfortable, supported and transformative pregnancy, and to become a strong mother to a truly exceptional baby.  Mandi’s caring, healing spirit and intuitive gifts coupled with extensive holistic knowledge and approaches are truly unique, as is her dedication to helping her clients thrive, physically and emotionally.


Mandi is a very talented QRA practitioner.

Mandi is a very talented QRA practitioner. I was in pretty sad shape when I started working with her in January and had no prior knowledge of what a QRA practitioner even was, but I am so grateful to have found her. I have been suffering from heavy metal poisoning which has kept me house bound for the last year and was having trouble finding a doctor/specialist who was familiar with my particular situation. I’d given up on finding someone who could help me a while ago and spent most of my time trying to figure out how to solve my health issues on my own. After countless hours of research and thousands of dollars on self-medicating I feel I can finally let go and let Mandi take the reins. She is very knowledgeable about the body as a whole and brilliant at finding the right combination of support to help balance your system and build your body back up so you can tackle any health issue. I love learning how different organs/systems affect one another as she systematically checks each area of the body explaining all along the way what she was doing and why things are amiss. This is exactly what I was looking for. Someone who would spend the time, literally hours if needed, to determine the best course of action for my individual situation. Then there is the powerful process of the mud packs. This is something that blew my mind. I’m not sure how it works or why, I just know it does and you have to experience it for yourself to feel your body release and reconnect. I’d say this as close to magic as it comes. What I’m beginning to realize is that when you give your body exactly what it needs to heal it will respond and rather quickly. If you are as seriously ill as I was or have been trying to improve your health and have hit plateaus or are just managing symptoms and not getting anywhere, this is the time to give Mandi a call so she can help you figure out what is missing.

I’ll never forget the day I wrote this to Mandi in an email:

“I just had to tell you about my wonderful day. Actually had enough energy to clean the house. Not just one room but the whole damn thing. Now, remember I am seriously out of shape and this was no easy task and I ache all over. But I don’t care…it was worth it to feel like myself again! Can’t wait to do some more mudding with you! Did I tell you how much I appreciate you? Did I? Well I do I hope you know that. Nobody has been able to help me in all these years, and you my dear, are literally saving my life. Thank you so much for being you!”

Together, you and Mandi will determine your best course of action. There are no preconceived notions about your health when you walk through her door. She recognizes that each situation is individual and practices accordingly. I worked with her weekly for the first couple of months and little bit by little bit I feel that I’m getting a hold on my health for the first time in years. I know in my heart that very soon this difficult journey will come to a happy end.

– P. Gwendolyn