Lighting her way…….Most amazing gift and text I just received.

I just want to say thank you for ur loving kindness today. I was in despair & you managed to bring light to my world. You are a gift!! I thank you again from my ❤️!

– C.B.

I am blessed to help this beautiful and courageous family.

Mandi, our family has been so extremely blessed to have met you. You are always available to answer our concerns, and are so comforting in your responses. You give us solutions that actually work. My sister-in-law, Sue found you and she is a woman of great faith, and her faith in you was instant. My husband Bob, with his numerous health issues; liver transplant, open heart surgery, brain surgery, diabetes, agent orange, and kidney problems came to you because he was told by his PCP that his heart was too weak for him to survive another year. Well, this was in January and after following Mandi’s knowledgeable advice, Bob’s numbers have improved and the doctors have not been able to find fluid around his heart. And today Mandi, Bob had a test on his heart and he was told that his heart got stronger. We all say that Bob has nine lives and every surgery he comes through is a miracle, but you Mandi are truly a miracle worker. From the first time you met Bob you believed he could get better. I think because you choose not to be negative it shines through to the people you care for. You are an exceptional person with an incredible gift of healing that is so kind, comforting, and non-judge mental. We are so blessed to have you in our lives. Thank you, and may God bless you and keep happy and healthy.
Much love from our family, Mary Ann

A message I received today from a Patient that truly brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for trusting me, believing in our healing and work together, believing in yourself and your new beginnings, and for ALL of your brilliance, courage, and light. ❤️

Today, as I came up for a little air after an incredibly full morning and afternoon, I received this text message from my beautiful Patient. This is a perfect gift that reminds me just how truly blessed I am for my journey, my work and labors of love, and my passions and gifts of healing. And a perfect gift that reminds me how truly lucky and grateful I am for the courageous, amazing, powerful, and beautiful souls that grace me with their energy, trust, and belief in me.

Every day, I AM blessed and lucky!


WOWWWW…….I just started period with no PMS, PMDD, or cramps! I didn’t even know it was coming. Weird. I can’t believe it! You were right!! As always! 🙏🏼💚🌟🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

Think I’m a few days early, but I don’t even care because I can’t believe no migraine, PMDD , no back flare up……WOWZA!

Even on pain management for so many years, I NEVER can remember not having migraines since my childhood! It has been years since I can remember not suffering to some extent throughout the month with my hormones and menstrual cycles. And NOW……I am forever and completely free of any Pharmaceutical pain management and opioids! WOWZA!

My journey working and healing with Mandi keeps getting better and better.



Thank you for this brilliant testimonial. I am Grateful and Lucky to help you!

Since I began working with Mandi, I’ve been amazed at the positive turn my health has taken. My energy level is much higher, and my blood pressure has been consistently 20-30 points lower. She even turned around an abscessed tooth in one day. Mandi possesses astounding knowledge and skills in kinesiology and various other healing modalities. Her intuitive and energetic gifts deliver remarkable healing for the whole body; physical, emotional, and nutritional. Her compassion, expertise, and advice are spot on. From now on, I’ll always take all of my health and wellness issues and concerns to Mandi first. Thank you Mandi!


Christmas Testimonial! Greatest Gift of ALL! Saving Xmas with a little extra love and healing!

I’m so glad I’m feeling better. I couldn’t imagine Xmas Eve without my glass of wine and a good cup of java in the morning while opening gifts! Thanks for saving my Xmas!

-Joyce H.