Mandi, our family has been so extremely blessed to have met you. You are always available to answer our concerns, and are so comforting in your responses. You give us solutions that actually work. My sister-in-law, Sue found you and she is a woman of great faith, and her faith in you was instant. My husband Bob, with his numerous health issues; liver transplant, open heart surgery, brain surgery, diabetes, agent orange, and kidney problems came to you because he was told by his PCP that his heart was too weak for him to survive another year. Well, this was in January and after following Mandi’s knowledgeable advice, Bob’s numbers have improved and the doctors have not been able to find fluid around his heart. And today Mandi, Bob had a test on his heart and he was told that his heart got stronger. We all say that Bob has nine lives and every surgery he comes through is a miracle, but you Mandi are truly a miracle worker. From the first time you met Bob you believed he could get better. I think because you choose not to be negative it shines through to the people you care for. You are an exceptional person with an incredible gift of healing that is so kind, comforting, and non-judge mental. We are so blessed to have you in our lives. Thank you, and may God bless you and keep happy and healthy.
Much love from our family, Mary Ann
Helping this beautiful boy heal continues to be such a magical gift for me. And bringing health and peace and hope to Mom and Dad IS absolutely incredible. This testimonial I received yesterday, unexpectedly, and helping my sweet little man and his family, has changed my life! Thank you!
My 10 year old son was misdiagnosed six times by age 8 with illnesses such as allergy induced asthma, recurring croup, viral induced asthma, chronic sinusitis….etc. Taking my son to “Dr Magical Mandi” (as he calls her) is most certainly the best and greatest decision I have ever made as a mother.
The reality is that my son had an immune deficiency of the IGA secretions and when I told Mandi and had expectations that nothing could be done (after all these years of being told that Jaymen would always suffer), Mandi knew asap what he needed!
I no longer have to put my son on 40 day rounds of antibiotics and cough syrup with codeine. Typically, in extremely cold temps, he would flare up terribly. The entire household would be up all night and in distress due to the degree of sickness he suffered.
It is a huge burden LIFTED knowing that Mandi is extremely smart, compassionate, and knew how to cure my son with all natural remedies specific to his physical and emotional needs.
As moms, we often become desperate and do what the medical doctors suggest and prescribe. I’m so grateful and proud of myself, my son, and to know that “Dr Magical Mandi” has the knowledge and gift to treat and heal holistically!
Our family could not be more pleased with Mandi and her amazingness, willingness, expertise, and motivation to treat our son with 100% success!
Seriously, it’s very atypical for my son not to be flared up this time of year. He stayed on antibiotics and codeine every year since almost age 2 from October to March.
His organs were tested twice by age 5 due to the huge amount of steroids the medical docs put him on for no reason at all. An IGA deficiency doesn’t even require steroids and one doctor finally learned that steroids were never necessary and were put in his little growing body for nothing! Devastating! My son’s medical records now say: Pt can not have steroids. (That was mine & the docs call two yrs ago).
Thank YOU! Knowing I don’t have to put that crap in his growing body means more than you will ever know! And knowing that he is continuing to heal and trust you means so much to all of us. Love you! ❤️
A message I received today from a Patient that truly brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for trusting me, believing in our healing and work together, believing in yourself and your new beginnings, and for ALL of your brilliance, courage, and light. ❤️
Today, as I came up for a little air after an incredibly full morning and afternoon, I received this text message from my beautiful Patient. This is a perfect gift that reminds me just how truly blessed I am for my journey, my work and labors of love, and my passions and gifts of healing. And a perfect gift that reminds me how truly lucky and grateful I am for the courageous, amazing, powerful, and beautiful souls that grace me with their energy, trust, and belief in me.
Every day, I AM blessed and lucky!
WOWWWW…….I just started period with no PMS, PMDD, or cramps! I didn’t even know it was coming. Weird. I can’t believe it! You were right!! As always! 🙏🏼💚🌟🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
Think I’m a few days early, but I don’t even care because I can’t believe no migraine, PMDD , no back flare up……WOWZA!
Even on pain management for so many years, I NEVER can remember not having migraines since my childhood! It has been years since I can remember not suffering to some extent throughout the month with my hormones and menstrual cycles. And NOW……I am forever and completely free of any Pharmaceutical pain management and opioids! WOWZA!
My journey working and healing with Mandi keeps getting better and better.
Thank you for this brilliant testimonial. I am Grateful and Lucky to help you!
Since I began working with Mandi, I’ve been amazed at the positive turn my health has taken. My energy level is much higher, and my blood pressure has been consistently 20-30 points lower. She even turned around an abscessed tooth in one day. Mandi possesses astounding knowledge and skills in kinesiology and various other healing modalities. Her

Pain free after years of being on Tramadol!
A beautiful client of mine who has lived with Polio for 70 years just spoke the most amazing testimonial. I had to share so everyone can reap the benefits of my work and the healing power of my CBD Oils and Topicals.
She was on Tramadol for too many years to count. I started her on CBD oral and topical. Within a day, her pain began to cease. The only problem was sleep, and I said, this is not the CBD, this is the withdrawal from Tramadol! Sure enough, we slowly weaned her off the Tramadol, and now……my amazing Kathleen is pain free and sleeping! She said, “I cannot stop taking this ever, it’s amazing!”
With the colder temps, Kathleen has been experiencing a little more ache and pain, so we simply increased her CBD by 1/2 ML and she used the topical and today, she said when I asked about her pain, “With the little increase, NO PAIN! IT’S GONE. And I put the topical on my thumb and within seconds, the pain is gone!”
Hearing these results and testimonials is my greatest gift. Helping people heal is my greatest gift. Kathleen IS my greatest gift.
I am beyond grateful to do what I do and to help so many beautiful souls like Kathleen. I AM BLESSED!
Thank you Mandi for sharing your awesome knowledge and gifts!
I have known Mandi for many years as her insurance agent. Now the table has turned and my daughter and myself have been working with Mandi for health and healing. I am amazed that I can see a change in my daughter after one visit with Mandi. One day and she has not taken a nap!! She is even singing!! She already seems to have more energy!! I cannot thank you enough! Thank you Mandi for sharing your awesome knowledge and gifts!
-Bernice B.
Thank you Bernice and Brittany for allowing me to help you and love you and share my passions and gifts with you! XO
The Human Cannabinoid System is Remarkable! Contact Me to Learn How to Bring Pharmaceutical Grade CBD Into Your Life and Your Healthcare Practice. 412-417-0466
I am so excited to share my passion for Pharmaceutical Grade, Pristine, Pure, and POWERFUL CBD in my Practice and Passion. The power of CBD is absolutely incredible! The results are absolutely amazing! And to bring the healing power of CBD to my practice and passion.
Mandi S. Babkes MNH, HHC, AADP, QRA, ERT
“Magical Healer, Magical Mandi” Thank you for this beautiful testimonial!
The main reason I went to see Mandi was for ringing in my ears. With a little time and patience and following the nutrient regime she gave me, Mandi’s treatments have continued to really work and help me. Mandi’s energy work and healing and the mud packing technique she uses really have resulted in less ringing in my ears! And Mandi has helped me to gain more confidence. I told Mandi I had TMJ and jaw issues, and she has helped me so much with this as well. She uses a mud packing inside of my mouth.
The other wonderful thing about Mandi is that she really cares about you because she wants you to feel better than ever! Not only have I found a caring friend in Mandi who looks after me, I have found a healthy healer in magical Mandi who does wonderful things to ensure that I feel better and better. Thank you!
Jon H.
New Beginnings, Beautiful Healing. Thank you for this amazing testimonial!
“New beginnings for me. I want to thank you again for getting me to a good point in my life.”
-Denise W.
The Danger of “Interference Fields” and the Brilliance of QRA and Mud Packing. Answers to ALL of Your Questions.
Interference Fields and Mud Packing
Frequently Asked Q & A
Mandi S. Babkes MNH, HHC, AADP, QRA, ERT is a Board Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Practitioner and Certified, Level III and Beyond Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA), Emotional Repolarization Technique (ERT), and Interference Field and Mud Packing Expert.
Mandi is masterfully versed on catering to individual needs to optimally and successfully heal your body physically, emotionally, and nutritionally. Mandi can and will up-regulate and balance your body, clear sedated channels and energy pathways, and restore coherence, balance, and connection to ensure homeostasis and pristine energy and health.
To Achieve Ultimate Health and Energy, Contact Mandi Today!
Q: Why does the body develop weak areas and interference fields?
A: A key reason why the body has developed weakened areas that create abnormal reflexes to other parts of the body is due to insufficient quality and quantity of nutrients at the time of the trauma or injury. Premier quality nutrients are essential for the body to heal itself, especially during times of trauma.
If the body does not have enough nutrients available at the time of the trauma or injury, then the area can become weakened. Once an area of the body has become weakened, it is more likely for toxic chemicals or metabolic toxins to accumulate there.
Our environment has become increasingly toxic. Over 20,000 new chemicals per year have entered our environment for the past 30 years. The result: more than 1 person in 2 in the U.S. is now chronically ill.
In addition, there has been a 50% reduction in the antioxidant nutriture in our food over the last 25 years. This is unfortunate because adequate levels of antioxidants are one of the major nutritional defense resources for the body. Interestingly, in research studies, 100% of Americans tested by the EPA were shown to have toxic plastics such as styrene in their fat. These toxic chemicals increase our risk of cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and so much more, eroding our quality of life.
In addition, these toxins can block key pathways in the body, such as particular organs and glands. Now more than ever, we need a simple yet elegant way to keep our bodies detoxified.
Q: Have we overlooked an easy way to detoxify ourselves from this enormous chemical toxicity in order to protect ourselves?
A: Yes. If you’re suffering with any type of illness, especially chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, chemical sensitivity or cancer, chemical toxicity can be a serious player. There is now a way to rapidly download years of exposure to heavy metals from metallic dental work, pesticides, plastics, dry cleaning chemicals, solvents, gasoline and much more.
Using a new therapy called Medi-Body PacksTM, you can detoxify yourself from the outside, externally pulling out toxins. This magnificent therapy works to help literally everyone. After a Medi-Body PackTM, you’ll be amazed at the difference in the way you feel.
Q: How can we easily detoxify ourselves?
A: By using the secret of the ancients — therapeutic body packs made from highly detoxifying, grade 10 clays, moor mud with special herbs simply applied on the outside of the body to troublesome sites — but first clearing the key download sites of the body. This simple but highly effective approach had helped hundreds of patients and when used properly, it has worked quickly and without complications.
Q: Is there any research on these muds and clays?
A: Yes. There is an enormous amount of research — over 840 worldwide clinical research studies are available on PubMed alone — which proves how extraordinarily effective these mud packs are — and how they work quickly, safely and effectively. Mud packs can quickly eliminate years of bio-accumulated toxins that impair nerve, lymphatic and the body’s energy flow (called “chi”). These accumulated toxins are known to delay healing or in many cases, prevent it altogether.
Q: What is so special about Medi-Body PacksTM?
A: Medi-Body PacksTM combine various unique earth substances to create an unusally strong synergy with a maximum cation binding capacity:
1) High cell resonance, unheated volcanic clay and unheated kaolin clay, rich in naturally occurring beneficial minerals and rare earths with high detoxification capacity — guaranteed toxin free.
2) Shilajit, a natural mineral resin from high mountainous areas of India, rich in key detoxifying organic acids.
3) Peat magma, a carbon matrix humate, rich in humic and fulvic acids, delivering critical nutrients to help the body heal itself.
These ingredients have been time proven over thousands of years by ancient healers and were used in many cultures. Medi-Body PackTM go a step further, however, to help the body download chemicals and plastics never seen on the earth in ancient times.
4) Medi-Body PackTM also deliver a full spectrum of synergistic botanical agents: South American sassurea, European bilberry, skullcap, French maritime pine bark, Ndian cardamom, fermented mycelial maitake extract, European beta sitosterol, wild blue green algae, grade A Japanese sunlit-grown chlorella (broken cell wall process), grade 10 Indian noni, Indian turmeric and more.
All these premier nutrients have been clinically tested to achieve the most rapid shift of tissue detoxification: the Quantum Nutrient Effect.
5) Each of the ingredients are exquisitely well-grown and free of toxic tagalongs. When they are combined together, their effect is far greater than the sum of their individual benefits by a factor of 2 to 100-fold or more. We call this the Quantum Nutrient Effect.
Q: How does the Medi-Body PackTM work?
A: As mentioned earlier, we all live in an era where everyone is now exposed to many toxic elements – in the air we breathe, in our food and water, in common cleaning products and body care products. Whatever you put on your skin, you are actually eating because it can be absorbed internally and go into systemic circulation.
Consequently, for most people, the connective tissue of their bodies has become saturated with many toxic chemical residues that have gradually deposited there over time. Proof of this was shown in an EPA study where 100% of tested subjects had accumulated toxic chemicals in their fat tissue, such as dioxins and pesticides. These stored toxins can act to disrupt normal body physiology and function.
To detoxify these chemicals, natural, highly charged clays, shilajit, humates and detoxifying herbs have been brought together for the first time in the same product. Centuries-proven therapies from all over the earth have come together to make PRL’s clinically proven Medi-Body PackTM.
The natural detoxifiers in the Medi-Body PackTM are highly negatively charged. Toxic, synthetic chemicals are positively charged. When the wetted mixture of the Medi-Body PackTM is applied to your skin, an osmotic pulling effect occurs where the positively charged ions of the chemical toxins are attracted to the negatively charged ions of the natural clays, acting to draw them out of the body. After massaging the mixture into the target area, you then simply wash off the spent detoxifying mixture.
Q: Can these mud packs trigger a wholesale toxin release?
A: Yes, in certain cases, even single ingredients of the Medi-Body PackTM have been shown to eliminate up to 50% of the local bio-accumulation of toxic elements in a just one application.
Q: Can these mud packs help scars?
A: Yes. Acupuncturists and naturopaths have been concerned about re-establishing normal energy flow through traumatized areas especially scar areas. Many acupuncturists tell us that the mud packs work better than any technique that they have seen so far to quickly and permanently eliminate scar interference fields and quickly reestablish the normal energy flow through the scar — which is critical for best organ and gland function — since many of the scars can reflex to organs and glands and slow down or impede their optimal functioning.
After using the Medi-Body PacksTM, we often see dramatic clinical results because the toxic, stagnated areas can be quickly cleared — thus allowing the free flow of bio-energy into the area again — so the body can once again begin healing itself.
These areas of hidden body toxicity are one of the most overlooked factors that prevent the body from healing.
Q: Can you tell us some experiences using the Medi-Body PacksTM?
A: Of course. We have hundreds of exiciting success sotries using the Medi-Body PacksTM. Here’s a few interesting cases.
Clearing TMJ Symptoms. One acupuncturist wrote, “In a single application of a Medi-Body PackTM to my left TMJ area, all TMJ symptoms cleared after years of other therapies that didn’t work. I’ve also seen many other spectacular overnight results using Medi-Body PacksTM. Definitely one of the more profound, overlooked therapies of today — clearing hidden toxicity.”
Painful, Swollen Hands. A medical doctor in San Antonio has had an extraordinary case of a older woman exuding very painful crystals from her hands. With just two or three Medi-Body PacksTM applied to the hands and the bottoms of the feet, all the redness, swelling, pain and discharge of crystals cleared completely. She had seen a long list of practitioners over the past 8 years with no help.
Chronic, Stiff Neck. In another case, a chiropractor in Torrance, CA used Medi-Body PacksTM to relieve a middle-aged man with a chronic, long-standing stiff neck that interfered with normal sleep and was so painful it interfered with daily tasks as well. This condition was resistant to all other previous therapies. After using just 3 Medi-Body PacksTM at the site on the neck, he achieved complete relief.
Q: How do you know when a target body site has been detoxified?
A: Your practitioner can test you using QRATM (Quantum Reflex Analysis) muscle testing to determine if an area has been cleared and now tests strong. In general, if an area tests strong with QRATM Level III (a challenge muscle test using 4 stress-taps), then the area is considered to be clear.
Since 1925, European doctors have done a considerable amount of research showing that old scars (or sites of previous trauma, such as a whiplash, falls, internal surgical pins, etc.) can create an interference field which reflexes to distant, unrelated body sites to create unexplainable pain, fatigue, allergies, physiological dysfunction and many more symptoms — that are resistant to treatment. Researchers found that a traumatized area such as an old scar acted like a stagnant, toxic pool, preventing the normal flow of the body’s governing electromagnetic circuits. They proved that there is a measurable voltage buildup against the scar, with the scar in effect acting like an electrical “short” in the body’s bio-energy field.
Through biopsies, they found that the immediate area adjacent to a scar had often become highly toxic – with a greater than normal deposition of accumulated infectious material and metabolic toxins (but unseen to the human eye) – explaining why the area acted like an bio-energetic blockage. They observed that their patients usually did not complain about a scar area itself — but they were able to prove that it was the scar areas that were the culprits in creating unresolvable symptoms.
Applying the Medi-Body PackTM over scar areas can help to rapidly cleanse and detoxify the accumulated bio-toxicity around the scar and help the body re-establish its own normal bio-electromagnetic flow. Our clinical experience has proven that the Packs are immensely helpful in aiding the healing process throughout the body.
Below is a photo of my beautiful and amazing soul whom I have been helping to heal. This is a mud packing session to clear Interference Fields and sedation from a neck and shoulder impact and trauma. (Whiplash and nerve sedation) These traumas have resulted in vertigo issues, dizzy spells, neck and shoulder tension and weakness, and sedation to the upregulation and assimilation of key minerals for balance, bone metabolism, kidney health, and thyroid, hormone, and metabolic balance. This mud packing session opened up flow and energy and restored coherence and “turned on” her parasympathetic nervous system.
Beautiful healing at work!
Below is a photo of one of my most prized and sweetest kiddos that I am currently healing. This is a mud packing session to clear a primary and recent vaccination site and the underlying and prior series of vaccines when he was even younger. These Interference Fields are choking the flow of blood and oxygen and lymph, sedating energy and nutrient uptake and pathways, compromising immunity and cellular health, and creating static toxicity from the overwhelming toxic chemicals and substances that come with vaccines. Our mud packing session alleviated the traumas, cleared the toxicity, and reconnected communication and flow between each and every organ and gland system in his body. Brilliant healing and happiness at work!