A Beautiful Journey Together! An Amazing Testimonial. Blessed and Grateful!

Thinking back to the beginning is crazy. And it’s exciting to reflect on all the progress I’ve made! Thank you Mandi for playing such an instrumental role!

When I first came to Mandi over 2 years ago, I was fully bought into my diagnosis of fibromyalgia, thinking that I needed prescription drugs to manage what would be a chronic, lifelong relationship with pain. I also suffered from years of self-worth and body image issues. Mandi helped me tap into the intuition and wisdom of my own body to get nutritionally balanced (afternoon energy slumps at work are a thing of the past), significantly reduce my pain (I’ve discarded the life-long pain sentence I’d been given by doctors), and wean off of all prescription drugs (which I’d been told were required in order for me to get deep sleep). Just as important was her help with working through longstanding emotional hang-ups to a place of self-love, self-worth, and self-confidence. In addition to feeling lighter in the world, this progress enabled me to get pregnant after a long time of trying, have a comfortable, supported and transformative pregnancy, and to become a strong mother to a truly exceptional baby.  Mandi’s caring, healing spirit and intuitive gifts coupled with extensive holistic knowledge and approaches are truly unique, as is her dedication to helping her clients thrive, physically and emotionally.


Christmas Testimonial! Greatest Gift of ALL! Saving Xmas with a little extra love and healing!

I’m so glad I’m feeling better. I couldn’t imagine Xmas Eve without my glass of wine and a good cup of java in the morning while opening gifts! Thanks for saving my Xmas!

-Joyce H.

New testimonials are my greatest gifts! Grateful to help so many beautiful and brave souls. Check out this new testimonial I just received.

Mandi, you were a great help to me when I was not feeling well from the
withdraw symptoms I had for over a year. I was not aware that
withdrawing from a prescription drug (Klonopin prescribed to me for
RLS) could have such an effect on my health.  My former doctor was no
help to me and should have never prescribed such a drug.
Mandi helped me immensely to gain my heath, energy, and strength back.
I have been feeling very good over the past year or so.
This year I expanded my garden and have been growing more food. I think this has helped me to
continue with my healthy habits and to sustain balance and health in my body.
I have been juicing with the fresh fruits and vegetables from my garden for almost no cost and continuing
to follow the healthy path that Mandi helped me get on.
Thank you for all the help you provided to me.
Your knowledge along with your caring manner helped me back to health.
-J. Sams

Happy Thanksgiving!


It is hard to believe that November is already here! Thanksgiving is here!, Hanukkah will be illuminating our lives so early this year too!
 Christmas will be bringing in the sleigh bells, reindeer, and holiday cheer before we know it! And WOW, we will be bringing in 2016 and celebrating a most beautiful year ahead!
I urge you to remember to take care of yourselves this holiday season! It is a joyous time. but we also all know that it can be a stressful time! With all of the hustle and bustle, gatherings, planes, trains, and automobiles, we must be careful to prevent those sniffles and sickies!  
I am always happy and eager to help you and your family and assure a healthy and happy holiday season!
 I truly have a  WHOLE LOT to be thankful and grateful for.
I am so thankful for the most amazing souls in my life; my patients and clients who light up my life and heart and give me the opportunity to do what I do best and love most, HEAL, TEACH, EMBRACE, AND SHARE MY PASSION AND LIFE’S MISSION. 
I am equally thankful for all of my incredible colleagues, fans, friends, and family who continue to grace me with their goodness each and every day! 

As the holiday season gets started, remember to give the gift of wellness this holiday season!
Gift Certificates are available!
Contact me to purchase in any denomination for your loved ones!
Please share this information with all of your family and friends! 
Contact Mandi to purchase or inquire within! 
Further information can be found @ 

 With Love and Gratitude,


Garden Goodness 2015! In FULL Effect and Shining!


Tis the season for my green thumbs to come out of hibernation and get my garden glowing and growing!

Stay tuned for the excitement of photos, recipes, tips, and more this summer!

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